
Hub Hub

Main chat window (left)

The main chat window displays messages sent by the hub. You can chat with other users in this "public area" by writing a message in the field below the main chat and pressing either Enter or Alt+S to send your message. You may also use /commands (send /help to list those available). You can right click to the users' nicks to bring up the user context menu described below.
Note; this is not the place to search for files. Open a Search window to do that.
This window can be focused with Alt+C.

Main chat messages

Messages destined to the status bar can also be shown in the main chat, depending on some options in Appearance settings: one general option to have useful status messages sent to the main chat window (enabled by default), and one to control whether spam messages should also be considered useful. Regardless of these settings, status messages are always shown in the status bar of the hub window.

Status messages are easy to spot: they start with three asterisks (***); on the other hand, normal messages generally contain a nick (either the name of an online user or a hub bot) printed between < and >. A better description of the various status bar messages can be found below.

Click on links (URLs that start with https://, ftp://, www, etc) shown in the chat window to open them with the registered browser/viewer software.

Users list (right)

List of users connected to the hub. You can right-click them to see the menu options available for each.
Follow this link to see what the different icons mean.
The users list can be shown or hidden by using the checkbox available in the bottom right of the hub window, in the status bar, right below the users list filter. When that checkbox is checked, the users list is shown.
This window can be focused with Alt+U.


The nicknames of the people currently connected to the hub.
How much each person is sharing.
How the people have described themselves.
This shows information about what client they are using, how it's setup and how many hubs they are in. For example a tag like this <++ V:705,M:A,H:1/2/3,S:4,O:5> indicates that they are using DC++, version 0.705. They are in active mode (as opposed to M:P for passive and M:5 for Socks5 connection). They are unregistered in 1 hub, registered in 2 hubs and operators in 3 hubs. They have 4 slots open. More slots will open if they are all used and are uploading slower than 5kb/s. The complete specification and history of the DC++ tag can be found here.
The upload speed the user has.
The IP adress of the user.
The country code of the user (if available).
Their E-Mail address. Normally blank or false.
The users CID. This is a unique identifier of that person.

Context menu commands

Get file list
Download the file list of the selected users.
Browse file list
Download only the required pieces of the file lists of the selected users in form of a partial file list. Note that you may not able to fully exploit certain file list functions in a partial list window until you get the whole list using the "Download full list" button.
Match queue
Matches the files in your download queue to the file lists of the selected users. 2 files are considered to be the same if their TTH is the same. If matches are found in one user's file list, she will be added as a source for the relevant downloads.
Send private message
Open Private Message windows to chat privately with the selected users.
Grant extra slot
In addition to your regular upload slots, an extra upload slot will be given to the selected users until the end of the current DC++ session.
Remove user from queue
Remove the selected users from the source list of all queued files. Pending file list requests will be removed as well.
Ignore chat
Add user matching definitions (or modify existing ones, if possible) to ignore chat messages from the selected users.
Un-ignore chat
Add user matching definitions (or modify existing ones, if possible) to stop ignoring chat messages from the selected users.
Copy user information
Copy a few lines containing user information to the clipboard. The data may include: the user's nick(s), her hub address(es), her IP, country, email, CID (not exhaustive). When multiple users are selected, each user information blob is separated with a blank line.
Add to favorites
Adds the selected users to your Favorite Users list.
Allows copying the content of any column to the clipboard. An "All columns" command is available as well to gather all the columns in the copied text (one column per copied line).

Shortcut to the "Get file list" command: Alt+G.

Shortcut to the "Send private message" command: Alt+P.

Users list filter (bottom right)

Here, you can filter the users list so you will only see specific users.
The filter, consisting of an input box, a column selection box and a method selection box, can help filter the list on the fly based on textual matching. You can filter the contents of any individual column or the whole list. There are three filtering methods available to choose from: exact word match, partial word match or match a regular expression. Note that filtered results are not removed from the list; they can at any time be restored by just clearing the filter out.
The filter input box can be focused with Alt+I.
Eg, selecting 'Nick' in the drop down, and writing "foo" in the filter, will only display users that have "foo" in their nick.
Note that users will only be visually filtered, not disconnected; also note that the remaining parts of the filtering control set are visible only when the filter input box is focused.

Field to write a message (bottom left)

Write a message here to chat with other users connected to the hub. You can press either Enter or Alt+S to send your message. You may also use /commands (send /help to list those available).
When composing a multiline message, this box resizes itself automatically according to the Height of the message editing box settings.
This window can be focused with Alt+M.

Status bar

Messages part (left)
You can see here the last status message or a kick message sent by the hub. To see more from the recent kick/status messages you can move the mouse pointer above the status bar - the last few messages will be shown as a tooltip shortly.
Common status messages:
Hub secure status Hub secure status
Shows the hub's secure status. If the hub uses secure hub-client communications then a padlock icon shown here with the actual trusted status and cipher shown as a tooltip of the icon. If the hub isn't secure this part of the status bar is completly missing.
Users Users
Shows the number of users connected to the hub.
Total shared
Indicates the total amount of bytes shared by the users.
Average share
Shows the amount of average share in the hub.
Unnamed check-box (right)
Show or hide the users list using this check-box.