Favorite hubs
- Status
- Connection status of the hub. Possible indicators:
Connected - Hub is connected, hub window is open.
Disconnected - Hub is disconnected, but the hub window is still open.
- Empty - No window opened for the hub.
- Name
- The name of the hub.
- Description
- The hub's description.
- Nick
- If you would like to use a special nick for a specific hub. Leave this blank
for default.
- Password
- If you have a password attached together with your nick. Used for operators
or other registered people.
- Server
- The address for the hub.
- User Description
- If you would like to use a special user description (shown in the user list)
for a specific hub. Leave this blank for default.
- Group
- The name of the hub group where this favorite hub belongs to. Empty if the
hub is ungrouped.
Favorite hub groups can be organized inside of groups. To change the group a
hub is in, edit its properties. There is a default group for hubs without
group. Groups appear alphabetically in the list, with the default group on
More information about the use of favorite hub groups in the help topics
associated to the
Favorite hub groups dialog.
Buttons / Context menu commands
- Connect
- Connect to selected hubs.
- New
- Create a new favorite hub.
- Properties
- Change pre-existing hub properties for the selected hub.
- Move up
- Move up selected hubs in the list.
- Move down
- Move down selected hubs in the list.
- Remove
- Remove selected hubs from the favorite hubs list.
- Move to group
- Open a menu with the available favorite hub groups in order to move the
selected hubs to the choosen group.
- Manage groups
More information about the use of favorite hub groups in the help topics
associated to the
Favorite hub groups dialog.
- Copy
- Allows copying the content of any column to the clipboard. An "All
columns" command is available as well to gather all the columns in the
copied text (one column per copied line).