

Share hidden files
Share files with the Hidden attribute set and files inside directory with the Hidden attribute set. With this option off, files starting with a . (full stop) will not be shared. Note: this option requires a refresh of the file list, and may cause the client to appear to freeze.
File minimum size
Only include include files in the share that has a file size above the specified value. Value is specified in bytes. The value 0 removes the filter and is the default.
File maximum size
Only include include files in the share that has a file size below the specified value. Value is specified in bytes. The value 0 removes the filter and is the default.
File name filtering with Regular expressions
Filters out any file with a name that matches a regular expression that is listed here. Use semicolon to separate multiple regular expressions. For example, the value ^.*\.txt;^.*\.png will remove any file that has the extensions txt or png.
File extension filtering
Filters out any file with an extension that is listed here. Use semicolon to separate multiple extensions. For example, the value txt;png will remove any file that has the extensions txt or png.
Path filtering
Filters out any path that is listed here. Use semicolon to separate multiple paths. For example, the value "download;secret_files" will remove any directory that has download or secret_files in the path.