
Search types

Lists search types to be used when initiating a search via the Search window. Each search type is associated to a set of file type extensions which can be configured here.

Note; Custom search types will only be applied to ADC hubs!
On NMDC hubs, using a predefined search type will only search for a set of predefined, unconfigurable extensions; using a custom type will default to searching for any extension.

Ask for a new name to identify the search type to add, then open a dialog to add file type extensions associated to the new search type.
Open a dialog to change the file type extensions associated to the currently selected search type.
Change the name of the currently selected search type. Predefined types cannot be renamed.
Remove the currently selected search type. Predefined types cannot be removed.
Erase all customized search types and reset the list to its default values. This action cannot be undone.